Muhammad Assad Butt
With more and more local Saudi businesses trading regionally and internationally, whether simply selling or sourcing products or services from abroad or actually establishing places of business overseas, there is a greater need for them to have an understanding of how business is conducted in different geographical territories such that on one hand they can avoid the many pitfalls that await them but on the other hand, such that they can take advantage of favorable fiscal and other regulatory opportunities that might be available to them. Saudi Arabia is a great location for international holding companies.
In the sections that follow, you can see the specialist international knowledge and expertise that we have and continue to develop in a number of our service lines. You will also see the breadth of our international network, presently in 154 countries, with the majority of whom we work frequently on our clients’ overseas business issues, in particular the often complex taxation issues.
Every BDO member firm has an International Liaison Partner through whom our international clients can be certain to get the knowledge and information they need to make what are often some of their critical overseas investment decisions, and then to ensure that local compliance matters such as filing accounts, zakat and tax filings, audit obligations, etc. can be discharged.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is, of course, a major trading nation and not surprisingly BDO Alamri is a very internationally facing firm with a large number of international clients. To further enhance our relationships and the communications we and our clients need with the most common trading partners, we have partners who run bilateral relationship’s and have a good working knowledge of other countries/regions that can be brought to bear on our clients’ behalf. These are set out in the BDO International Locations section.
Taking this even further, we have recognized the extent of interest that more and more Saudi businesses have in exploring the opportunities afforded to them in two of the fastest growing economies in the east, China and India, and you will see in the sections that follow the work undertaken by our China Advisory and India Advisory Services teams . With over a century of substantial trace between us, we also have a helpdesk that provides deep technical advice and support on fiscal and financial accounting matters which are based on substantially different principles and thus need to be considered carefully by parent companies with substantial investments in the other.
Finally, we have identified a number of organisations with whom we can collaborate and share knowledge and expertise in this international advisory arena, and a number of these are set out on the section Working with International Organizations.
Muhammad Assad Butt